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Nubia Perez


As a mother, wife and daughter, my family is my great treasure and for this great reason my passion is to support the families of my community with my work so that they materialize their dream of having a house where they will grow and strengthen their families. For 25 years, I have dedicated myself to understanding the needs of my clients and advising them so that their businesses and family assets grow, benefiting themselves and the community. I sell houses and help make dreams come true. Soy mama, esposa e hija y mi familia es mi gran tesoro y por este motivo gran mi pasion es apoyar con mi trabajo a las familias de mi comunidad para que materialicen su sueno de tener una casa en donde creceran y fortaleceran a sus familias. Desde hace 25 a;os me dedico a a entender las necesidades de mis clientes y asesorarlos para que sus negocios y patrimonio familiar crezca beneficiandolos a ellos mismos y a la comunidad. VENDO CASAS Y AYUDO A CONTRUIR SUEÑOS EN REALIDAD

Nubia Perez


English, Spanish



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