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Toby Ellis


The world of real estate is exciting, fast paced, and often emotionally charged. And it comes with an abundance of regulations and laws that must be adhered to by the letter. The Moving Houston Team is fortunate to have Toby Ellis on board as our Transaction Manager, who makes it her business to cross her “T”s and dot her “I”s. When your transaction is in process, you don’t want omissions and technicalities to hold it up!

Toby has been in real estate for 30 years buying, selling, leasing, and most importantly – building relationships. Her attention to detail ensures your real estate transaction is handled with precision so that when it’s time to execute, your paperwork is picture perfect.

Born in Chicago, Toby grew up in Lafayette, Louisiana, but made her way to Texas in 1963. She has two sons; one is a police officer and another a restaurateur, and one grandson.  When she’s not with family, she loves to crochet, read, and eat delicious food. Oh, and don’t even try to outdo her on a jigsaw puzzle! That attention to detail spills over to recreation as well.

Toby Ellis





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