Time & Location
Sep 13, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM
KW Memorial, 1220 Augusta Dr, Houston, TX 77057, USA
About the event
Get the materials here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/o6j43h1orh5hzltbwhh4y/Contracts-Challenge-May-2024?rlkey=58u199wgee0zozw331nfqsfur&st=b91s7htq&dl=0
Contract Challenge class is based on real world examples on how to write offers for your buyers on property they have an interest in purchasing. Your assignment is to write an offer on a property as if you are going to send the offer to the listing agent.
You are given a scenario to follow which includes information from your “buyer’s” lender, information from the seller’s disclosure on the subject property, the MLS printout for that property as well as the tax record for the home. You are also given a blank contract and a blank third party financing form to complete.
After you write your offer, the instructor goes over the correct answer with the class. Students grade their own work. Also discussed are the other forms which would normally accompany the offer if the scenario was for a real client.
You should come away from this class with the knowledge of how to read the MLS printouts, tax records, and mortgage information so you can help your clients prepare and submit offers. In addition, you learn how to determine what other forms must accompany your offers and how to discuss the various forms with your clients.